
Come Home to Allah

When your weary body finds solace in the earth’s embrace,
And your head rests in tranquil grace,
Whisper Subhana Rabbi al a’la, in whispers so profound,
For your Lord alone to hear the sacred sound.

It is Allah, welcoming you home, His embrace so wide,
For it’s been a while since you last came to His side.
It is Allah, speaking to you, His words profound and true,
Did We not find you lost, and guide you too?

So, why not be grateful, in every prayer you make,
For Allah is with us, make no mistake.
It is Allah, comforting you in times of despair,
Do not be sad, for I am always there.

It is Allah, the Divine Healer of your pain,
Verily, with hardship, ease will follow, like gentle rain.
So, why not be patient, in every trial you face,
For in your Sujood, you’ll find your sacred space.

As you pour your heart out in prostration so deep,
Sharing your aching limbs, and secrets you keep,
Your Lord will reply, with love in His voice,
“Come home, my dear, in My embrace, rejoice.

Come home, and you will find healing’s embrace,
Come home, and you’ll be loved, in My endless grace,
Come home, and you’ll be nourished, heart and soul,
And you’ll wonder why you left, as the seasons roll.”

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